Introduction to the Breathe Programme
The Breathe programme is a flexible programme of exercise and education for patients with chronic lu...
22 October 2021Breathe Programme
Children's Mental Health Information
Liverpool CAMHS partners are there to help if you find it hard to cope with family life, school or t...
11 October 2021Liverpool CAMHS
What is Cardiac Rehabilitation (Rehab)
Heart failure rehabilitation will help you to understand your condition and how to live well with he...
04 October 2021One Liverpool Digital Flyers
What is Heart Failure
Heart failure means that the heart is unable to pump blood around the body properly. It usually occu...
11 August 2021Dr Sankaranarayanan from Liverpool University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust
LGBT+ Health and Wellbeing
Information for LGBT+ people about physical and mental wellbeing.
27 July 2021St. James Health Centre
About the NHS Targeted Lung Health Check (TLHC) Programme
Patients aged 55-74 and who have ever smoked are now being invited to have a lung health check - a s...
13 July 2021One Liverpool Digital Flyers
Health and Wellbeing Apps from ORCHA
ORCHA is the world’s leading, independent digital health evaluation and distribution organisation, a...
05 July 2021ORCHA
Adult Mental Health Information
This flyer will provide an overview of what to do when you're worried about your mental health, as w...
16 June 2021One Liverpool Digital Flyers
What support is available?
In this section you will find both local and global support connections to help you manage and under...
03 June 2021One Liverpool Digital Flyers
What is Diabetes
Diabetes is a lifelong condition that causes a person's blood sugar level to become too high. This f...
17 May 2021One Liverpool Digital Flyers
COVID-19 / Long COVID Support Services
This flyer will provide you information about long COVID and recovery.
02 February 2021One Liverpool Digital Flyers
COPD Information
Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) is the name for a group of lung conditions that cause b...
11 December 2020One Liverpool Digital Flyers